Strawberry Worship
The Pharisees would have something to say about this title "Strawberry Worship". But pause, and listen before you raise a brow.
From the opening line, the writer acknowledges themes of redemption, repentance and rededication to Christ, saying, “God you called me by my name”. In this song, Uninvtd, explores the essence of our relationship with God through a prayer-like conversation with the Father, Son (Jesus) and His Holy Spirit.
The melodic flow of this conversation rides on smoothly arranged R’n’B instrumentals, drawing listeners into this deeply spiritual chat with the Lord. His honesty and transparency in seeking clarity from God blends well with the confident reassurance in knowing his identity as a “Child of God”.
One of pewrify’s favourites - we love this ‘Strawberry’ flavoured worship of the One who looks deeper than our labels and calls us by our true names - the One who foreknew us, Jesus, our Lord and saviour.
Check out more from Uninvtd
Instagram: @uninvtdofficial